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Lambie's user avatar
  • Member for 2 years, 9 months
  • Last seen this week
21 votes

How do native speakers control gender distinction?

13 votes

Which animal is closest to having language and why?

5 votes

Is there any formally recognised concept of a “standard” translation?

3 votes

confusion around what constitutes a complex sentence

3 votes

Does word order and word choice influence how a word is pronounced?

2 votes

About phonological history of Middle French

2 votes

Is human language a prison for a mind?

2 votes

Native English speakers: worse understanding of other accents?

2 votes

Aren't all spoken languages tonal?

1 vote

The philosophical characteristics of functionalism and structuralism

1 vote

Types of transliteration and/or translation

1 vote

In English, how exactly does intonation reflect stress?

0 votes

What effect does the wrong T-V pronoun have on truth-value?

0 votes

What's the official page that has the complete list of the Penn Treebank Tag set?

-1 votes

Do non-tonal languages evolve into tonal languages?

-2 votes

Is it possible to have a determiner without a complement?

-3 votes

Is pronouncing loanwords according to their "native" pronunciation stigmatised across most cultures and languages?

-6 votes

How do you gloss "personal a" in Spanish?