Is there exist a language (the natural or the constructed one) with a completely standardized and ambiguity-free rules, and which is suitable for the modern use?
I am wondering for a language which should be strict, logical, and ambiguity-free as the programming one.
By the word "rules" I mean grammar, word order, punctuation, and so on. Everything except pronunciation.
The languages with which I'm familiar (I'm native Russian with some practice in English) doesn't look as something what I'm searching for.
- There are a lot of weird things which doesn't have any sane logic behind them.
- There are some things that doesn't really solved. One example is the Oxford comma. Sometimes we need to use it to remove ambiguity, sometimes preserve it, and sometimes we will have ambiguity whatever.
- Some things are so complicated that even linguists have holy wars about them.
- Some things have too loose rules. One thing which is very different between Russian and English is that in Russian you can mix word order in a very free way. You may think it is cool, but actually it leads for a lot of problems.
- In English, we have compound nouns like "water tank capacity" which aren't ambiguity-free (this is successfully resolved in Russian).
- And so on.
Then I started to learn Esperanto. It is cool in some aspects, but it doesn't have standardized punctuation.
One man on the internet said that Sanskrit is the only language with a completely standardized rules, but he is Sanskrit teacher and can be biased. Also, I'm not sure that Sanskrit have words for the modern life, like "electricity" or "software".
May be German, Icelandic, Chinese, Latin? Something different?
a bunch ofsheeps
. It's really something that matters for OCD people like me when you are writing programming code and everything is unambiguous except naming things, actions, modifications, behaviours, and so on, the bits of a program.