Are there any examples of languages that can have interlaced phrases?
For instance in:
I turned the light off.
one phrase is turned X off, where X can be a noun phrase. However, I don't think it's possible to split the noun phrase across the verb phrase in this case; I'm pretty sure it must be contained entirely within the verb phrase. If the verb phrase is split into beginning and end (VPb
& VPe
), is it possible to have a construct like:
where NPb
and NPe
are a single noun phrase split into a beginning and end? The phrases don't have to be verb phrases or noun phrases, or in that order, I was just using them as examples.
Embedded: Interlaced:
+---------------------+ +---------------+
| +---------+ | | +---------+-----+
| 1Pb | 2Pb 2Pe | 1Pe | | 1Pb | 2Pb 1Pe | 2Pe |
| +---------+ | +-----+---------+ |
+---------------------+ +---------------+
Are there any examples of a second phrase beginning inside another phrase and ending after the first phrase has ended?