For a language that does not have overt morphological tense and any tense distinctions (e.g. Malay), how is it possible to discern whether a clause is finite or non-finite? Is it possible to use aspectual markers as a diagnostic for finiteness and say that a clause that does not permit aspectual markers is non-finite?
Saya biar dia (*akan) makan
1.SG let 3.SG (*PROS) eat
Saya mahu (*akan) makan
1.SG want (*PROS) eat
Are subjunctive and imperative clauses finite? In English, the verb form used in subjunctives is unconjugated, so it's tempting to say that at least subjunctives are non-finite. It's less clear for imperatives though, because of the 2nd person.
The examples below do not permit prospective aspect marker 'will'.
I recommend that he (*will) choose this option.
(*Will) choose this option!