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In agglutinative languages with long "sentence words", how do they conceptualize of these "words" and their parts?

I asked a similar question on languages with "small words": In languages with "small words", how do they conceptualize of these units? How do agglutinative languages with long, &...
Lance Pollard's user avatar
-1 votes
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When do you go from morpheme to word to sentence in agglutinative languages?

I am working on a cross-language dictionary for fun (i.e. every language), and have been refining this idea of "terms" (as described in that link) for a while. A term is basically anything ...
Lance Pollard's user avatar
-3 votes
1 answer

How do speakers of languages which can form arbitrary long words deal with long words? [closed]

Looking at this long word list and coming from this conlang question, I am wondering how languages which allow for arbitrarily long words (I don't know for sure, but agglutinative languages, or German,...
Lance Pollard's user avatar