I am looking at this dictionary guide and just looked up homophones to see how you might handle unrelated words with same spelling and pronunciation and part of speech. Google has basically separate main chunks, with the word as the header, followed by pronunciation, followed by parts of speech nested inside, and for each part of speech, a set of definitions.
I'm wondering though how it works in other languages. Can you create a separate entry for each part of speech instead?
In English, you might have a word like "what" which has 3 parts of speech: pronoun, determiner, and adverb. They are pretty much the same meaning, just different angles because of the part of speech difference. So it kind of makes sense to have 1 entry with 3 parts of speech instead of 3 entries. But I am contemplating making them separate entries each.
I am imagining URLs like:
Or for the word "rose" (flower, or past tense of rise):
/word/rose/1/noun (flower)
/word/rose/1/verb (make rosy)
/word/rose/2/verb (past tense of rise)
They would theoretically be on different pages.
Can you have a word with several different definitions under one part of speech, in any language? I can't think of any in English really yet. Something like:
/word/foo/1/verb/1 (means to brush hair)
/word/foo/1/verb/2 (means to cook dinner)
/word/foo/1/verb/3 (means to stand still)
/word/foo/1/noun/1 (means tree)
/word/foo/1/noun/2 (means freedom)
Basically, there would be unrelated meanings for same sounding and same written word, for same part of speech? Does that ever happen?
I don't really like how Wiktionary has a page like https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/he which links to definitions in all kinds of languages, where in English there could be several unrelated meanings like with tear. I think at some level it would make sense to have separate pages for each meaning sector.
Even if the meaning is:
/word/foo/1/verb (to burn)
/word/foo/1/noun (a burn)
I think they should maybe be separate and then link to each other as related.
The main question is, for a web app sort of functionality (where you have the luxury of links and URLs, not limited to pages in a book), should you create separate entries for parts of speech when they are similar in meaning (like "what")? Or "created" (adjective, or past tense verb of "create").
Likewise, can you have multiple different definitions under the same part of speech?
I guess my "brush hair" and related examples like /word/foo/1/verb/1
doesn't make sense. Each of those would be a separate entry basically, like /word/foo/5
. So then the question that remains is, should you break apart parts of speech into separate entries too?