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What are cognates of "fuck" in other Indo-European languages?

I am not asking for translations, but how the word itself is related to words in other languages and what those words have come to mean like how "shit" is related to "science". I would really ...
Andrew James's user avatar
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Do we know if the Dutch vulgar/slang term "stront" is related to the Italian vulgar/slang term "stronzo"?

I have for years known that there was a Dutch bad word "stront" meaning "shit" but I expected it was spelled "stroent" until I looked it up just now. I have also known the Italian bad word "stronzo" ...
hippietrail's user avatar
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Influences of the origins of the phrase "Mother-fucker"

We should presume that the phrases "fuck your mother", "fuck your mother smelly cunt", "mother-fucking bastard" existed in the Chinese alt-cultural vocabulary for centuries in various dialects, having ...
Blessed Geek's user avatar