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8 votes
2 answers

Catalan assimilation of 's' /s/ → [ʃ] after palatal consonants 'ny' /ɲ/ and 'll' /ʎ/

Question I've noticed a phenomenon in (Central) Catalan speech that I had seen no mention of when studying the language. In words with a final -nys or -lls, the s is assimilated and becomes palatal [ʃ]...
iacobo's user avatar
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Why is the process of word-final non-continuant deletion and nasal assimilation in Catalan opaque?

Catalan has a process whereby word-final non-continuants undergo deletion and nasal assimilation. For example /ben+k/ surfaces as [beŋ] 'I sell'. Why is this relation opaque? Note: I found this ...
Danger Fourpence's user avatar