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-1 votes
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On stimuli control

everyone! I have a very simple question (I think). Has anyone here done a psycholinguistics experiment? After having run my first experiment, I realized that what I had controlled to build the ...
Frederico Torres Ludugerio's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Linguistics and ChatGPT [closed]

To which (neuro-, psycho- or general) linguistic models and theories of human language recognition and production does ChatGPT (GANs) come closest? Or why isn't this a valid question?
Hans-Peter Stricker's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Limits on center-embedding in English

Consider the following extremely melodramatic story fragment (the sentences in the story, and its melodramatic character, set up context and motivation for the brain to parse an otherwise hard-to-...
Ron Maimon's user avatar