- Meaning-changing adjectives
[Source:] Some adjectives can mean different things depending on their placement around the noun they modify.
When placed after the noun like normal, the adjective carries a fairly objective, descriptive meaning.
When placed before the noun, the adjective carries a more subjective, opinionated meaning.
Source: p 112, A Comprehensive French Grammar (2007, 6 ed) by Glanville Price
Some other adjectives have one meaning when they precede the noun and a different one when they follow the noun. In some cases the two meanings are very clearly distinguishable. In other cases, the distinction is less sharp but
[1.] there is a tendency for the adjective to have a literal meaning or to be used objectively when it follows the noun
[2.] and to have a more figurative meaning or to be used more subjectively when it precedes the noun.
What explains these semantic differences (due to syntax) shared by French and Spanish?
I already read this, but could not find the answer.