When learning Thai, I was amazed how modern Thai word "fish" is similar to Slavic word "to swim"
Thai: ปลา
Lao: ປາ[pa᷅ː]
"fish"Ukrainian: плавати
"to swim"
Slovenian: plávati
Slovakian: рlávаt᾽
First, I looked into dictionaries of Slavic languages. Many, including Vasmer's Dictionary of Russian Language, refer Ancient Greek πλεῖν
, but no further references leading to PIE/Sanskrit.
Then I looked into Leiden Indo-European Etymological Dictionary and found that
Sanskrit: प्लवते
"to swim"
but again, no reference to "fish".
So, my question is, how to prove that Thai "fish" and Slavic "to swim" are related?