I'm taking a course in generative grammar and I've reached a point where I don't know what's happening because I missed one class. Anyway, last time my tutor drew tree diagrams that I found a bit confusing. First of all they included labels such as vP and v' (so lowercase) which I'm not familiar with, and after each object there would be something like [nN] or [N] which I later found out denoted c-categorical features. The most confusing part of all was that verbs from the bottom of the tree would be put between < > and moved up the tree. The explanation was that they were deponents verbs. I would include a picture of this but I don't think that would help since English is not my first language.
Does anyone have any idea what this method of drawing syntax trees would be called and what it represents? I couldn't find anything similar on this site and I would just like to find some online resources that explain what this is all about. Thank you in advance!