Consider the the embedded clause "du Schach gespielt hast" in this sentence
Ich glaube dass du Schach gespielt hast.
I think that you chess played have
‘I think that you have played chess.’
How do I draw the underlying structure ("deep structure") and transform it into the "surface structure" and see whether there is V to T movement?
Assuming the VP internal subject hypothesis, one option is that the embedded TP has two branches: the empty DP and the T'. The T' node branches to VP (on the left) and T (on the right). The T has "hast/have" in it already in the level of D-structure. And the VP has two branchs: the DP "du/you" and the V' which branches further to the DP "chess" and V "played".
If "hast" is not present in T in the underlying structure but moves to T from somewhere, I don't see how to draw the underlying tree. And how to see if it moves or not?
(I'm working in the framework of the first 10 chapters of Carnie)
Addition: it is also known that the following sentences are ungrammatical:
* Ich glaube dass du hast Schach gespielt.
* Ich glaube dass du hast gespielt Schach.
* Ich glaube dass Schach hast du gespielt.