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Questions tagged [sound-symbolism]

For questions about the relation between sounds and meaning.

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3 votes
3 answers

If any of these stranger human voice sounds have IPA annotations

Wondering if the following sounds have written transcriptions / annotations in IPA or any other system: Snooring sound (breathing in, "hoooonk" is a trill of some sort, then the breathing out "shoo" ...
Lance Pollard's user avatar
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What exactly does the ding-dong theory of the origin of language state, according to Max Müller?

Max Müller is mentioned as one of the pioneers of the study of the origins of language, as he created a typology for the earlier origin of language theories based on the channel they draw the ...
Probably's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

How seriously do modern linguists take the idea of phonesthemes?

When we English speakers say phrases like "King Kong" and "delicate daffodil," some of us can't help but think that the "k" sound is rough-and-tumble and the "d" sound is mild-mannered. Apparently ...
James Grossmann's user avatar
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1 answer

What is motivatedness?

I've just encountered this term in the context of a study about sound symbolism, I suppose it is a factor that might play role in how are the new words being formed. What is meant by this factor?
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