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Which datasets can I use to train a medical speech recognition system?

So far I found: ezDI Medical Dictation Dataset (16h) (8h) Which other datasets can I use to train a medical ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
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Up-to-date performance comparison of speech recognition over time

I am looking for an up-to-date (as of 2022) figure or table which displays the improvement in speech recognition on benchmarks for read and spontaneous speech over time, ideally in terms of word error ...
phipsgabler's user avatar
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Are there any set guidelines for the lifespan of a (spoken) corpus?

Are there any set guidelines on how long a (spoken) corpus stays relevant / is reliable to use? The only major Dutch spoken corpus is from 2004, and I was wondering if using this corpus would cause a ...
Artos van stel's user avatar
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Computational linguist's estimate of minimum hours of speech needed to train a neural net to recognize speech

From a computational linguist's point of view, is there a lower limit on the number of hours of speech needed to train a neural net to translate speech to text? An estimate from CMU is 3000-5000 hours ...
Lars Ericson's user avatar
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What problems does co-articulation cause in speech recognition?

I know it becomes harder to find the start and end of phonemes due to co-articulation. I want to know about other problems that co-articulation causes in speech recognition.
CuriousMan's user avatar
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looking for corpus of dialogue recording in appointment between doctors and patients

I am looking for a public corpus of dialogue recording in short/medium appointment between doctors and patients, aims to study speech variation, the prosody of speech, measuring speech' rhythm, ...
Andy.Jian's user avatar
24 votes
7 answers

Convert audio recording of word to IPA representation

Are the any open source tools/software libraries to convert an audio clip to its IPA representation? If so, are they accurate? If not, why not? Here is a Gaelic word I wish to convert: Ogg format: ...
Baz's user avatar
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