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Unanswered Questions

278 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Articles Books on Automated Writing Evaluation Techniques

I have long been out of the NLP game, but I am curious to get back in. I wanted to know about modern techniques for doing automated writing evaluation of English texts. I want to take essay-form ...
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Which layers of the language is dealing with co-reference resolution and how to solve it computationaly?

Which layers of the language is dealing with co-reference resolution and what are the steps to solve this problem in NLP?
-1 votes
1 answer

Are there any languages with no distinction between perfect, imperfect, and simple tense aspects?

I am currently trying my hand at making a conlang, and I just wish to know, are there any languages that don't distinguish between perfect, imperfect, and simple tense aspects? Thank you in advance.
-1 votes
1 answer

Generating random logically consistent chains of sentences

I'm interested in generating random logically consistent chains of natural language sentences. I don't know anything about computational linguistics. I'm wondering if there are software packages or ...
-1 votes
1 answer

Question about a specific grammatical feature

In one Conlang I am developing there is a feature where owned items are treated as the subject of a verb, and the owner as the Object. So, for example: Car sohi Amelia Would mean Amelia's Car, with ...
-1 votes
1 answer

Is *grandmother* a compound?

"Grand is used in a specialized sense in kin terms like grandmother or grandson to indicate a further degree of lineal distance beyond that expressed in the head. Such forms can themselves be modified ...
-1 votes
2 answers

Can anyone explain the difference between nominal and pronominal cases?

Like the title says, can anyone give an explanation on the difference between nominal and pronominal cases?
-1 votes
1 answer

Extracting adjective phrase from a sentence

Could someone point me to some open source NLP or machine learning library that can be used (possibly with some additional processing) to extract an adjective phrase from a sentence? I.e, given the ...

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