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user:1234 user:me (yours) |
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Code | code:"if (foo != bar)" |
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title:apples body:"apples oranges" |
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Graphical representations of hierarchical analyses of grammatical relations. Requests to make syntax trees are off-topic.
What is the specifier in an IP where the complement of the verb is fronted?
The topicalised object the book which is fronted (moved) cannot land in a theta-position. It'll violate Visibility Condition on Chains. Remember this is a non-trivial A-chain, it must have one theta r …
What is the difference between vPs and v*Ps?
They are not the same. 1. v* (with this label) corresponds to a verb projection with a full argument structure or what is called a Core Functional Category (CFC) with transitivity. This v*P is the sma …
Is the following sentence a CP? Does it contain another CP?
This sentence is ungrammatical.
The whole sentence is a CP, the NP lies was extracted from an embedded VP-shell to the uppermost Spec,CP position. do is also in C, it was moved from I to form the que …
How is the ungrammaticality of the following sentence explained?
The ungrammaticality is not related to the fact that V cannot take IP as complement. This fact is evidenced by (1) and (2) (hence your first question):
(1) She wants [IP to leave]
(2) She wants [IP …
What is the position of the subject in a Greek sentence, whose word order is VSO?
I'll answer based on my familiarity with Greek from other authors, e.g., Embick, Alexiadou, etc. This is a wh-movement sentence.
The PP to which friend was moved from an embedded position as the obj …
Difference between PRO and OP
I'll try to answer your question although I'm blind to Chinese clause structure. But notice that you wrote PRO in your question. PRO is quite different from pro. Let's consider this sentence:
(1) Zhan …
What is the position of 'that' in the relative clause of this sentence?
There is a difference between wh-relative clauses (1) and that-relative clauses (2). The first are formed by wh-movement, whilst the second are a result of a complementizer merged in the head of C: