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a term for the type of ambi-transitive verb that can do away with an object

Transitivity is a hard concept to handle. Verbs like eat or drink seem like prototypic transitive verbs, but they occur in a lot of structures He ate. He ate too much. He ate for a long time. He ate ...
jlawler's user avatar
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2 votes

a term for the type of ambi-transitive verb that can do away with an object

These can be called agentive ambitransitive verbs.
Keelan's user avatar
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What is the semantic term for the things that the single arguments of reflexive and reciprocal verbs stand for?

I cannot answer for reflexives, but for reciprocals the term reciprocants is often used. A problem with this term (and the term reciprocity) is that it is used for both meaning and form. For this ...
Keelan's user avatar
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Are there any languages that distinguish the thematic roles of theme and patient?

Often, patient and theme are not distinguished, but in some systems they are. If so, that is just a matter of the fine-grainedness of a role system. If they are distinguished, "Theme" is ...
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