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How did Shiloah (שילוח) become Siloam and Silwan?

What sorts of changes led the Biblical Hebrew name Shiloah (שילוח) to become Siloam (in Greek) and Silwan (in Arabic)? Has this been discussed anywhere? EDITED I removed the word morphological from my ...
Reb Chaim HaQoton's user avatar
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Are the hebrew prefix letters (משה וכלב) considered a form of agglutination?

An example of this letters can be seen in the word וכשלהתמרמרויותינו where the וכש at start mean "and during to" (the entire word means "and during to our grumblings).
tohava's user avatar
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Edit Doron: Reflexivity in Syntax or the Lexicon

Perhaps I am missing something here, but does Edit Doron adopt: 1) a lexicalist view of morphology (as it seems from "A Unified Approach to Reflexivization in Semitic and Romance" by Edit Doron and ...
MJM's user avatar
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finding the language stem of vowelless Hebrew

I am looking for tools to find the language stem in vowelless Hebrew, preferably a full list of suffixes and prefixes with the stem. A small list can be found on wikipedia. An extensive list can be ...
davids's user avatar
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Anomalous forms of Hebrew roots with final y

Hebrew triliteral roots whose final consonant is y have an anomalous conjugation in most templates. Why is this? Specifically: It is only in the passive participle template CaCuC, as far as I can ...
TKR's user avatar
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Meaning of sufformative versus suffix

In reading Daniel Block's commentary on Ezekiel, I have come across the word sufformative. (Block uses it of the Hebrew masculine singular ending -em.) I have searched all around but cannot find a ...
Kazark's user avatar
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