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The study of the internal structure of expressions, especially between words and phrases, and the principles and processes that determine it. This includes words order, but also the grammatical relations that hold between words, as well as structural ambiguity, binding, reference, and similar issues. Common approaches are numerous phrase structure grammars (GPSG, HPSG, LFG, G&B, X-bar, Minimalism, ...) and, on the other hand, dependency grammars.

1 vote

How is bracketing used in IC analysis?

The phrase (IC) "what happened next" is the subject of the sentence. The phrase "all present to the meeting" is the (direct) object. Thus, the basic IC structure is [[what happened next] [VP [astonis …
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How can one best formalize dependency structures in terms of rules?

If one wants to show that a theory of syntax is plausible, it's necessary to implement it in such a way that well-formed sentences are accepted (and assigned a sensible syntactic structure) and ill-formed … This structure is often based on unification and can also contain lexico-semantic data (argument structure, conceptual structure) which effect the syntax-semantics interface (after all, syntax is just …
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3 votes

Are ditransitives (or tritransitives?) cross-linguistically attested?

Ditransitives of the English type are very rare. Most languages use either case marking on nouns to signify grammatical relations or polypersonal head-marking. By "English type" I mean that both objec …
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Deep structure tree VP help

I'm afraid the analysis depends on the theory of grammar you're using. In most CF-based formalisms, "continued" would be an I that takes a VP ("to protest") as its complement. In this case, however, t …
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Is there an established distinction between semantic and syntactic predicates?

You've correctly recognized that a predicate in syntax is not what's called predicate in formal logic. … (I used a Latin example because it has free word order in order for both syntax trees to be identical.) …
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At what point in the syntactic hierarchy inside a clause do phrases acquire ‘propositional’ ...

Hobbs uses a version of HPSG, his "The syntax of English in a abductive framework" implicitly describes the relationship between syntactic structures and their logical representaiton. …
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Formalization of information structure

As for formal representation in frameworks, FGD uses an ordering on nodes in deep syntax trees to express information structure. …
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What constitutes a Long Distance Dependency, and how can it be quantified?

You could count the nonprojective dependencies in a sentence. This is actually a very nice definition of long-distance (unbounded) dependencies. The degree of nonprojectivity also gives you a measure …
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Does finite VP exist as a constituent?

The existence of a VP constituent is language specific. There are detailed constituency tests. One of the definitions of a language being configurational is the existence of a VP. The main evidence …
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Do some isolating languages have something other than accusative morpho-syntactic alignment?

Abkhaz, a northwest Caucasian language, has no cases but it is an ergative language. The alignment can be recovered from head-marking (on verbs).
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Does translation software use syntactic trees?

However most of today's MT systems use hybrid architectures, i.e. there's at least a shallow syntax module or something alike. Parse trees can't help with semantic ambiguity. … Syntax provides some hints but what's decisive are semantic rules and constraints. Correct disambiguation always depends on context and common knowledge. …
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2 votes

Non-projective S in lexical-functional grammar

The principle of Economy of Expression applies to the general principle of how c-structures are built. In your example the I' node comes from I' -> (I) VP, i.e., this rule is required to create a well …
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Which dependency parsers take auxiliaries to to be heads over content verbs and prepositions...

To sum up, only content words appear in syntax trees. …
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Is lambda calculus only applicable if syntax trees are binary branching?

Applicable to what? Meaning assembly? For this, λ-calculus is used only in categorical grammars, which are binary-branching by definition. In syntactic frameworks with a context-free backbone, glue s …
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How do dependency grammars account for information structure

One can't account for information structure at the level of surface syntax. Consider the sentence илсьірбоит (I'm showing it to her; Abkhaz). … One possible "solution" is to say that information structure isn't part of syntax sensu stricto and capture it at the level of pragmatics. …
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