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Is -ce in Latin a clitic or suffix? defines clitic as: a word that is treated in pronunciation as forming a part of a neighboring word and that is often unaccented or contracted. Is it ...
Tim's user avatar
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Does Hittite ever have "morphographemic writings"?

In Akkadian, we often see "morphographemic" spellings, where signs are divided up by morpheme boundaries instead of syllable boundaries. For example, išpur=am "he sent it to me" ...
Draconis's user avatar
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What is the origin of North Italian dialects' particle /g/ (cf. Italian "ci", "gli")?

I have noticed that both Lombard, Venetan and Ligurian (and I assume Piedmontese) use "gh'" (i.e. /g/) for the 3SG dative clitic (Italian "gli") and at least some of the many ...
trerri's user avatar
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What is the difference between a phrasal affix, an affix, and a clitic?

I've heard people claim ‘phrasal affix’ is a synonym for ‘clitic’, and heard others who disagree. I have also seen titles of papers which say, Some Language Feature as a Phrasal Affix / Affix / ...
awe lotta's user avatar
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Concept of clitics

Are there any differences between pronominal clitics and clitic pronouns? I wonder whether these two terms are interchangeable or not. Thanks.
Alec's user avatar
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Concept of clitic

I am trying to understand the concept of clitics. In the paper, "Feature Analysis of Danish Pronominal Paradigms with a View to a Danish Application of the Pronominal Approach", it is stated ...
Finn Årup Nielsen's user avatar
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Is the Polish preposition w a clitic?

The Polish preposition w roughly translates to Eng. in, even though the distribution is different, as it is usual for prepositions. I'll give two examples of the use of said preposition: (1) Narodowe ...
eslukas's user avatar
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Particles and Words Affixing Heads and Phrases

In Malay, there are quite a few words and particles that can affix or modify both heads and phrases. The interrogative suffix -kah is one of them. -Kah affixing heads Tidak-kah sakit kecederaan ...
Morphosyntax's user avatar
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Attached articles, are they clitics or endings?

If we take a clitic as a part of word that is attached after the ending and attached to the word depending on the word order (examples include -'s in English and -que in Latin), what would be definite ...
Anixx's user avatar
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Where are clitics initially Merged in Italian?

I'm trying to port Cardinaletti & Shlonsky's analysis of Italian clitic placement1 to the Minimalist framework for a term paper. The course is based on Adger's textbook2 which mostly focuses on ...
fenceop's user avatar
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Do affixes and clitics belong to an own part of speech, part of sentence or another category ?

Birds, flowers, children belong to the part of speech of nouns, to fish, to pick, to play to verbs, swift, smelly, nice to adjectives those are the easy ones, what about clitics and affixes and such ...
meireikei's user avatar
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