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Convert a non projective dependency tree to a projective one

I'm trying to build a dependency parser and I want it to construct only projective trees. Do you know any tool that converts Non-projective trees (CONLL-U format) to projective ones?
HatemB's user avatar
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How do you draw a Dependency tree diagram of a verbless clause such as "Me too"?

In Constituency Grammar (CG), I guess that you would consider "Me" the subject and "too" the predicate. Hence, no problem drawing a tree diagram out of "Me too" in CG. On the other hand, Dependency ...
JK2's user avatar
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Is there a grammar of syntax that takes into account inherent syntactic ambiguity in natural languages?

Natural languages necessarily have certain inherent ambiguity. If there were a natural language without inherent ambiguity, then one could have easily adopted such a natural language and used it as a ...
JK2's user avatar
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how to train parser using maltparser?

i have developed a small dependency treebank and now i want to run maltparser on it.i am working on urdu which is written in right-to-left (RTL) form. when i try to train parser it gives following ...
nudrat's user avatar
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What are the upsides of using dependency parsing over constituency parsing?

I am looking for an exhaustive list of upsides of using dependency parsing over constituency parsing (if possible, with references for each upside).
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
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"Toy" Tools for Dependency Parsing?

I plan to work with dependency parsing, as an intermediate step in a text understanding problem. I'm also still trying to understand the terminology and methods. Any pointers (or providers) of tools (...
Anon's user avatar
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Maltparser vs Freeling for Spanish dependency parser

I need to parse a Spanish corpus with syntactic dependencies. I have tried both Freeling and Maltparser, they both give similar results, but with some divergence. I need the highest accuracy possible, ...
MGN's user avatar
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What are the syntactic functions in this example of Dutch cross-serial dependencies?

Sentences like the following occur frequently as examples for cross-serial dependencies in Dutch. Ik dacht dat Jan Piet Marie zag helpen lezen. Often the dependencies are depicted only as arcs ...
Kilian's user avatar
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how does a dependency grammar finds a root?

The verb is used an a root in dependency structure.What if we have multiple verbs in a sentence, which one will be the root of sentence. also what will be the dependency relation between two verbs ???
nudrat's user avatar
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Evidence for/against Lexical integrity principle

Some (mostly lexicalist) theories of syntax assume that there's a 1-to-1 relationship between the words in a sentence and the nodes in its syntax tree. It seems pretty obvious to me. Is there ...
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Kuryłowicz on cases and prepositions

I've read Kuryłowicz's classic paper "Le problème du classement des cas" and I'm not sure how to interpret what he says about the difference between case affixes and prepositions. Does he in effect ...
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Dependency tree with "seem"

Could someone please tell me what's the dep. tree of "John seemed to fall asleep"? The problem is I don't know if "John" depends on "seem" or "fall".
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Monoclausality in dependency trees

I've read Alex Alsina's papers on complex predicates and I understand why they are a problem for the syntax-semantics interface. If we wanted to build a syntax tree for a complex predicate in Romance, ...
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How do dependency grammars account for information structure

In phrase structure grammars, discourse functions (topic, focus) have structural positions (cf. topicalization in English, right-edge focus in Russian, clause-initial focus in Welsh, preverbal focus ...
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3 answers

How do formal theories analyse the syntax of polysynthetic languages?

How is syntax of polysynthetic languages (e.g. Inuktitut, Mohawk) represented in formal theories of syntax? In many cases, a sentence consists of only one or two words so the syntax tree is rather ...
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How do surface and deep syntax differ in dependency grammars?

Consider the sentence I will go to Belfast tomorrow. How do its surface and deep syntax tree differ in a dependency-based grammar?
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6 votes
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Where can I find a good primer of dependency grammar?

I found a good phrase structure grammar primer, namely "Beginning Syntax" by Thomas, which has been recommended by more than one person on this exchange. However, when I looked for any similarly ...
James Grossmann's user avatar
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What it the best algorithm for dependency parsing?

There are quite a few statistical parsers but I'm interested in rule-based dependency parsing. I have a lexicon, i.e., a list of words with lemmas, POS, and morphological features. What is the best ...
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Steps to build a dependency parser [closed]

I'm a beginner in NLP. What are the main steps to build a dependency parser? thanks.
Reda's user avatar
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What is the root of an utterance without a verb?

Dependency grammars treat the main verb of a sentence as the root node of a dependency graph. Not all utterances, however, have verbs. (Example: the widely known exclamation "holy shit!") In these ...
player.mdl's user avatar
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What is the linguistic significance of dep and gov methods in Stanford NLP's Typed Dependency class?

I am looking at a TypedDependency object like this: root(ROOT-0, fired-4), which is part of the StanfordNLP suite. If I call the object's .dep() method I get fired/VBD If I call the object's .gov() ...
bernie2436's user avatar
4 votes
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dependency or constituency treebank?

Most Treebank conversion which I found in the web are from constituency treebank to dependency treebank, I wonder why there is little works in the opposite direction? Does it mean that nowadays ...
Ahmad's user avatar
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Is there a paradigmatic formalism for dependency grammars?

When looking on the web, wikipedia for example, at the concept of constituent, it is associated with the concept of phrase structure, and rather quickly with context-free languages (as the ...
babou's user avatar
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Introduction to linguistics from a practical application standpoint

I currently have a project that I need to do that involves quite a bit of computational linguistics. My background in linguistics is very high level - I wonder if there are any good introductory ...
Uzumaki Naruto's user avatar
25 votes
6 answers

Why is constituency needed, since dependency gets the job done more easily and economically?

I do dependency grammar (DG), and my personal view is that dependency gets the job done more efficiently than constituency by far. The average constituency parse (= phrase structure parse) contains ...
Tim Osborne's user avatar
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How does a dependency grammar generate strings?

Theoretically speaking, if I were to use a rule-based approach to generate grammatically correct strings for a language L, I would implement a phrase structure grammar G = (V, T, R, S) consisting of ...
player.mdl's user avatar
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Dependency Grammar constraints

I study dependency grammar, DG and I have a question regarding constraints of DG. I do understand why do we need constituency grammars, CG and DG, however I don't completely understand the ...
user16168's user avatar
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