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Questions tagged [speech-synthesis]

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Looking for a neutral speech synthesis tool to read IPA without accent

I am looking for a tool or technology that can read transcriptions in the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) with a completely neutral sound, without the influence of any specific accent or ...
Aurélie NOMBLOT's user avatar
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How to create a tone continuum in Praat?

I've been trying to create some tone continua in Praat using the different tonal contrasts in Mandarin. Specifically, I want to set one tone (tonal contour) as one endpoint of the continuum and ...
user43450's user avatar
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Is direct reported speech more common in Turkish than indirect reported speech?

Working in subtitles production, I have noticed direct reported speech is very common in the dialog of Turkish TV shows. In Hebrew, my target language—and I think in English, as well—it is more common ...
Avital's user avatar
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Where does Google's pronunciation notation come from?

When you search for "X pronunciation" on Google, it shows the "Sounds like x·y·z" box with phonetic respelling. Does anyone know if this respelling system is based on a particular ...
linda's user avatar
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What is the name of the category that describes the ways a number can be read?

About 6 days ago, I asked this question in the English Language and Usage section but have yet to receive any answer. In hindsight, the lack of answers is entirely understandable since that was not ...
Tenders McChiken's user avatar
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Is there software (eg. desktop or mobile app) out there that helps learners learn all the sounds of the world with the IPA?

I wished there was one where the app would synthesise a sound for some phoneme X, displaying the IPA symbol at the same time, then ask the user to repeat the sound, which the software checks for the ...
forgodsakehold's user avatar
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Are there standards to compare naturalness of synthetic voices?

Say that I wanted to compare Siri and Google Voice in terms of naturalness or similarity to human speech. Obviously I could give a bunch of people a survey and collate their opinions — but I wonder if ...
Teusz's user avatar
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How to synthesize French vowels

I am trying to synthesize the French vowels [o] and [ɔ] for running a perception experiment. I have been using the Praat Vocal Toolkit and got pretty nice results with the following formant values: F1(...
ben's user avatar
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5 answers

Algorithm for figuring out the pronunciation of a word

Wondering how we pronounce words. I feel like I learned this when I was a kid in school with all the language rules, but now I can't remember. I am trying to think about how we pronounce words. How ...
Lance Pollard's user avatar
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Text-to-speech for arbitrary vowels (i.e not just ipa)

So my understanding is vowel sounds can be modelled in a 2-d space together with roundedness in terms of location and openness or equivalently in terms of first and second formants. You get pictures ...
Att Righ's user avatar
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Where do I start if I want to a create a syllable like /ba/ or /pa/?

I want to create some syllable like /ba/, /pa/, /ta/, /da/, with either Praat or Klatt synthesis interface. But I was overwhelmed by the information I found on the Internet. I was wondering what I ...
chaoh's user avatar
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Help understanding letter sets

I am trying to understand the working of an old computer speech synthesizer (SAM for the commodore64) which uses a series of rules to break English text into a string of phonemes. The rules make some ...
Aidan Dodds's user avatar
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Text to Speech Systems for Arabic

In view of the fact that Arabic omits the diacritics for short vowels and the like, does this pose an extra challenge for text to speech systems for the Arabic language? How easy is it to resolve ...
Jack Maddington's user avatar
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Computational production of diphthongs

I am trying to generate vowels on MATLAB by using source-filter model. In case of monophthongs I'm using Rosenberg pulse as my source signal and then this source signal is convoluted with sounds ...
May Rest in Peace's user avatar
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What kind of speech synthesis is "HMM synthesis"?

The Wikipedia page on synthetic speech claims: The two primary technologies generating synthetic speech waveforms are concatenative synthesis and formant synthesis. It then goes on to describe ...
Teusz's user avatar
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Algorithm for Separating Consonant and Vowel Waveforms from Speech Signal

Is anyone aware of a software package or general algorithm that allows the separation of consonant and vowel waveforms from a continuous speech signal? I've tried to implement the technique "Harmonic/...
seldamat's user avatar
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Is it possible to force the Google speech synthesis engine to pronounce individual phonemes?

I wish to have an app makes individual sounds of letters (phonemes) and I'm wondering if, rather than record them all myself, I can force Google's speech synthesis engine to give me individual sounds. ...
MikeCoverUps's user avatar
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Is there a public sound bank of the IPA?

I'm looking for a comprehensive audio database of the IPA, spoken by the same individual. I realize the this restriction may not include the full set of the IPA and I'm willing to settle on the ...
Hooked's user avatar
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10 answers

Is there an online tool to convert IPA symbols into audio sound?

As many amateurs and beginners know, IPA is difficult to memorize and internalize at first. Does software exist where one can paste in IPA text and hear synthesized speech (ideally in the form of a ...
Mike's user avatar
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Core organs of speech

Do you think the core human 'organs' for speech/sound production can be reduced to the lips, tongue and throat? I realize there are elements like nasals and glottal stops but the other three seem to ...
Anoop Alex's user avatar
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What are the best online resources for learning about (and making?) synthetic speech?

I was surprised to find so little in iTunesUniversity, though maybe I need different search criteria. Is there any open source resource to make or manipulate synthetic speech?
Teusz's user avatar
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How do prosodic models inform improvements to speech synthesis?

How does the state-of-the-art in speech synthesis take into account prosody? It is not clear to me how e.g. Klatt Durational Model, IITM Durational Model, Sums-of-Products Model, or even Neural ...
Teusz's user avatar
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What is harder? Speech synthesis or speech recognition?

Supposing to use Festival to build a speech synthesis system and HTK for a speech recognition system. The language is a Native American language. Which system would be harder to accomplish?
Albertigno's user avatar