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7 votes
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How is Donald Duck's voice produced, if not by buccal speech?

The Disney character Donald Duck is well known for his nigh unintelligible voice, which was originated by actor Clarence Nash in the 1930s. I have always heard this manner of speaking described as ...
Psychonaut's user avatar
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What are some more examples of doubly centre embedded clauses?

Hey guys I am a uni student doing psycholinguistics and currently studying doubly centre embedded clauses for a study on comprehension. For example a phrase such as: "The man the boy the cat ...
sadiyah123's user avatar
4 votes
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Why are palatalized consonants commonly accompanied by stretched lips?

In many languages, muting the sound and watching the lip movements is enough to guess palatalized/non-palatalized. Is there a reason for "Why palatalized consonants are commonly accompanied by ...
MCCCS's user avatar
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2 answers

Is it normal for only one verb class to be productive in Indo-European languages?

In another question on this site, there is some discussion on the view that the so-called "strong verb" class in English is no longer "productive" - that is, newly formed or coined words (neologisms) ...
Robert Columbia's user avatar
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By what algorithmic process do systemic functional linguistics think surface language is generated?

I am very interested in the idea of systemic functional linguistics as an alternative to the simplistic production grammars advanced by the minimalist program. What I don't understand is how SFL ...
lightning's user avatar
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In phonation vids the vocal cords don't close completely or very fast, but according to authors they're suposed to. Why this difference in data?

Suposed vibratory cycle (one open and one closure) of a normal adult male: 100Hz Video discrediting the statement:
Duarte Alfonso Martin's user avatar
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Syntactic vs Morphological features for generation of English VGs

NEW QUESTION From a production/generation perspective, one can say that a realization X is the result of a collection of features (attribute-value pairs) applied to the base form of a word. For ...
Rodrigo's user avatar
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1 answer

Is the modern Latin lexicon productive?

So I was wondering, does Latin taught in schools today add/borrow content words to/for its lexicon for things that weren't around (like computer, LED etc.) when Latin was natively spoken? And also, ...
theorangepoptart's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Is the use of a word in a morphological gap technically a speech production error?

Typically, speech production errors such as phoneme or morpheme exchange, anticipation, etc. are the result of interference in the speech production process. However, the use of a word in a ...
Nick Anderegg's user avatar
12 votes
1 answer

Are there any alternatives to Source-Filter theory?

The linear source-filter theory of speech production ( Fant, G. (1970) Acoustic Theory of Speech Production; Stevens and House (1961)) is very useful for understanding speech synthesis and a ...
Vielle's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

Has there been any research into the phonetics of ventriloquism?

I have always been impressed by the skills of ventriloquists - and I've been wondering lately whether anyone has done any work looking at the acoustic or articulatory properties of the speech of ...
LaurenG's user avatar
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39 votes
5 answers

Why does speech speed seem to vary between different languages?

I feel that French and Spanish speakers speak their languages faster than English speakers do. Is this difference real, or is it just a mistake in my observation (note: I am much less familiar with ...
Louis Rhys's user avatar
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19 votes
3 answers

Why does stop VOT duration vary depending on place of articulation?

From the (albeit citation needed) section of the Wikipedia article on aspiration: Spanish /p t k/, for example, have voice onset times (VOTs) of about 5, 10, and 30 milliseconds, whereas English /p ...
Steven's user avatar
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