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6 votes
0 answers

Just how silent is the French e muet?

I know the e muet is usually considered silent. That being said, it is still often pronounced in songs and poetry (famously, in the Marseillaise). This is completely contrary to the situation in ...
Gaussler's user avatar
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Is the variable involved in a linguistic change from above necessarily a 'stereotype'?

William Labov's (1971) concept of the 'stereotype' is that of a dialectal variable which has attracted sufficient attention to be the subject of overt comment or metapragmatic discussion. Such ...
daisy's user avatar
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1 answer

Is language change universal, ongoing, and arbitrary?

Learning that arbitrariness from Saussure means there is no logical connection between the sound of morpheme and its meaning. But can we brain storm about this topic a little bit? When it comes to ...
WinterSue's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Is there any language that has different morphology for individual-level and stage-level adjectives?

For example, the language might be such that a a stage-level adjective like "available" would agree in predicative position, but an individual-level adjective like "intelligent" would not.
Deep_Television's user avatar
1 vote
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What is 'Category Affiliation' in sociolinguistics?

I came across this term in a paper talking about the first wave and second wave studies. Anyone know what it means?
user8104's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

register variation: unbalanced corpus sample

I'm doing a small pilot study on evidentiality in a language I work on. I'm looking at two evidential markers, -mi that is said to mark the source of knowledge as personal, and -shi that marks ...
Wangana's user avatar
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Can regional variations of a language cause the formant space to be reduced?

I'm doing research on speech, but I'm not a linguist. Hopefully it won't be a silly question. I have been reading a little on regional variations of formants, because in my research we use formant ...
Karol's user avatar
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1 answer

Standard Deviation Of Fundamental Frequency Of Males and Females [closed]

I know that it fundamental frequency is usually considered to be normally distributed, and that females have a higher variance in their distribution than males. What is the variance of the fundamental ...
The Dude's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

When is variation in the realisation of a phoneme allophonic variation?

The acoustic characteristics of the realisation of a given phoneme may vary depending on phonological context. For example, [v] may have a higher Zero Crossing Rate if it follows a consonant than if ...
robert's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Grammatical variation between Attic Greek prose authors

I'm interested in the grammatical variation that is found between prose writers in what is putatively a single dialect of Greek, Attic. Such variation exists on various levels: Phonology: e.g., some ...
TKR's user avatar
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1 answer

What's the difference between bidialect and diglossia? [duplicate]

According to what I have studied before, when a person speaks a dialect just "in the street" and uses one dialect else "in the school", he is a bi-dialectal person. Now, I have been faced with "...
zahra's user avatar
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23 votes
8 answers

Do absolute synonyms exist?

By absolute synonyms, I mean words (in the same language) that are interchangeable in all situations. There can't be differences in register, meaning, or emotional value. Is there material that ...
beton's user avatar
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13 votes
3 answers

Is there any language that doesn't express Tense but allows "aspectual coercion"?

Mandarin Chinese appears to be a language that may not express tense (at least in the way I will define below), and it does not seem to allow aspectual coercion. By not expressing Tense I mean, such ...
Alexis Wellwood's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Recommendations on the current state of parameters as explanation in acquisition?

In the original P&P model, we had a nice story in which there was supposed to be some finite list of principles and some finite list of parameters, the former constraining hypotheses and the ...
dustinalfonso's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Examples of Phonological Variation / Morphological Structure Interacton

English coronal stop deletion, or TD-Deletion, is a variable process whereby word final /t/ and /d/ in clusters are deleted. soft -> sof A phonological rule for TD-Deletion could be given as: {t,...
JoFrhwld's user avatar
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