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Questions tagged [prosody]

The rhythm, stress and intonation of speech.

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3 votes
1 answer

Is there a solution for the ToBI's weakness in showing speech variance?

I'm currently doing a research on the ToBI system (a system for transcribing prosody). The ToBI system is a phonological based system and does not show the variance in speech. for instance an L+H% ...
Andrew Ravus's user avatar
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4 answers

Why do we use an upward inflection when asking questions?

I have tried Googling where the upward inflection comes from but all I get are "Valley Girl" results. My curiosity in this started with my new German Language course I'm taking and noticed that the ...
Nick Williams's user avatar
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What are the different ways prosodic features of a language are represented throughout the history of linguistics?

I can name a few: 1. Tones as numbers 2. Intonation contour as a line above the sentence 3. Tones as lines above segments 4. Stress marks before stress syllables ['white house] vs [white 'house] But ...
Teusz's user avatar
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Are there any tools on the market that employ prosodic research to help overcome speech impediments?

I see a lot of language learning software, apps, intelligent games on the market, but nearly all of them focuses on grammar and lexical aspects of linguistics. I wonder if any techniques are dedicated ...
Teusz's user avatar
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Linguistic studies of singing: prosody, structure, etc

What are some well known techniques in which singing, especially that from less-known languages, has been studied? I'm particularly interested in prosodic analysis of singing and e.g. song-structure (...
Teusz's user avatar
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2 answers

What's an interactive, hands-on creative way to show the role of prosody?

I am have been nominated to teach an accelerated course on phonology to grad students. The course emphasizes lab work and hands-on methods. What's a creative and innovative idea to demonstrate some ...
Teusz's user avatar
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How do prosodic models inform improvements to speech synthesis?

How does the state-of-the-art in speech synthesis take into account prosody? It is not clear to me how e.g. Klatt Durational Model, IITM Durational Model, Sums-of-Products Model, or even Neural ...
Teusz's user avatar
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Why are f0 candidates stacked vertically in all .pitch files in Praat, like this one?

Why is it that, if I zoom into a .pitch file in Praat, the little numbers (pitch candidates) that are displayed are stacked into vertical lines?
Teusz's user avatar
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What, if any, prosodic information can be gleaned from a study of a waveform?

Can any sort of prosodic information (e.g. rhythm, intensity, pitch) be seen/understood just from a waveform alone (without reference to e.g. spectrograms)?
Teusz's user avatar
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What are those little numbers when I extract pitch in Praat?

If I extract pitch in praat all those little numbers show up! What are those values standing for? little numbers and pink lines (1263x665, 172 KB)
Teusz's user avatar
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What's a good minimal pair to highlight interrogative prosody in English?

I want to show my students how intonation contours in Praat can help identify English interrogatives. An obvious example is "He's coming." vs "He's coming?" -- but perhaps those of you more familiar ...
Teusz's user avatar
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Is there an index of English prosodic effects?

I want to know if there is an index or dictionary of sorts that attempts to list and distinguish the prosodic features(?) of English. This seems unlikely to me because of the ambiguity of a single ...
b.t.'s user avatar
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Accents resources?

What are some good beginner's introductions to accents? In English (accents, I mean, generally; but English sites or books)? At this moment I'm primarily interested in accents on the level of the ...
user2921960's user avatar
5 votes
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What is the difference between phrase prosody and sentence prosody?

What is the difference between phrase prosody and sentence prosody? I know that prosody is a phonological suprasegmental--its components, such as intonation, are more than one phoneme long. I know ...
James Grossmann's user avatar
3 votes
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Is there a way to create synthetic speech with no intonation contours / prosody?

Is there a way to create an utterance in synthetic speech which is devoid of prosody? Or if no such synthetic speech system exists, would there be a way to filter an existing utterance to remove the ...
Julie's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

How is Nigerian Standard English categorized?

From what I can tell, the only nontrivial difference between Nigerian Standard English and the catalog of commonly referenced dialects of English is that Nigerian Standard English has a different ...
Andy's user avatar
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26 votes
2 answers

Is it common to use the minor third for calling someone?

In German, calling someone's two-syllable name is tied very strongly to the minor third. In languages that like to have a stressed last syllable, I would expect the last syllable to be higher than ...
Phira's user avatar
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5 answers

Why does speech speed seem to vary between different languages?

I feel that French and Spanish speakers speak their languages faster than English speakers do. Is this difference real, or is it just a mistake in my observation (note: I am much less familiar with ...
Louis Rhys's user avatar
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What is known about the universal aspects of the relation between intonation and emotion?

Are there language-independent aspects of the expression of emotion by intonation? More specifically, are there established relations between the expression of emotion by linguistic intonation and by ...
Azo's user avatar
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