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Questions tagged [phrases]

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13 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Is there a linguistic term for a term in a language refering to a specific technology, outliving said technology?

In language, phrases and various semantic expressions referring to technologies often make their way into the language, even if that technology is mostly obsolete. Examples of this could include "...
Brock's user avatar
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What is the syntactic function (if there is any) of the prefix in some German verbs?

Consider the following sentence: "Ich rufe dich an". It is a very simple Standard German sentence with the verb "anrufen", the unusual thing about it is this prefix that comes ...
Ergative Man's user avatar
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Is it more correct to use the minor and major foot groups in the IPA than commas and periods?

I transcribed some phrases from TV. This is casual American connected speech: As you can notice I'm using the | and || symbols instead of the commas and periods. Also, I do not show the question mark,...
Zoltan King's user avatar
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Are these "phrases" or "clauses" before a noun a modifier adjective?

In these clauses or sentences "I love those "I love you" messages" or "I hate those "I love you" messages", Is this "phrase" or "clause", &...
user6779864's user avatar
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Phraseology definition

What's difference between free-phrase and fixed phrase? Because for some linguist differentiate phraseme (fixed phrase) into 3 part, vollidiomatizität, teilidiomatizität und nichtidiomatizität.
Sekarplp's user avatar
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Is there such thing as a 'hyperphrase'?

In linguistics there is a common hierarchy of words: Hypernym (e.g. Colours) | V Hyponym (e.g. Brown, yellow) Does such a hierarchy exist within phrases?
BladorthinTheGrey's user avatar
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Identifying clauses (including finite and non finite) and analysing internal structure of the clauses

An example of how to do this is from the sentence "I was on holiday, but when I saw the pictures I went straight away" I / was / on holiday S:NP / V / SC:PP but / when I saw the pictures / I ...
anonymous.user's user avatar
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The difference between headwords and main words

Not while ago, I was provided with a handout adressing types of phrases and in the very beginning, my lecturer stated this : Now, what I'm basically trying to know is, first: whether the info is valid ...
Kenny FürEver's user avatar
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Detached Predicative with NONFINITE Clauses

I have just stumbled upon a sentence: Dressed in a white dress, Stella looked breathtakingly beautiful. I was wondering if the very first part of the sentence (Dressed in a white dress-nonfinite "...
nora ter's user avatar
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What are lexeme, word and phrase in HPSG?

In “Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar: The handbook” by Abeillé and Borsley, it says: lexeme, word, and phrase have a complex system of subtypes. The type lexical-sign, its subtypes, and the ...
Julius Hamilton's user avatar
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Is "down at the bar" an adjective phrase or adverb phrase?

There are three parts of speeches attributed to "down" in the dictionary: adjective, adverb and verb. I understand , that at the bar is a sub phrase and a prepositional phrase. I don't know the rules ...
Abdul Al Hazred's user avatar
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Is there a chart showing all assignments of phrases to functions within a sentence?

For practical reasons, it is obvious to assume there is chart giving an overview which phrases can be assigned to which functions in a sentence. For instance, one sentence function is called an ...
Abdul Al Hazred's user avatar
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Phrase suggestion model using a gold standard corpus

There are already spell checking models available which help us to find the suggested correct spellings based on a corpus of trained correct spellings. Can the granularity be increased to "word" from ...
lingo101's user avatar
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