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Questions tagged [word-sense-disambiguation]

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How good are humans at anaphora?

I have been considering what differences or similarities in any properties at all could be found between: a language where whatever the supposed “deep structure” of a language truly is (like, the ...
Julius Hamilton's user avatar
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Difference between polysemes and senses

As far as I understand, saying that two words are polysemes is saying they're synonymous homonyms, but not synonymous enough to be the same word. Senses on the other hand, are synonymous enough to be ...
user110391's user avatar
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Interpret an chain of attributes combined via "and"/ "or" in english and other languages?

The question is, what is the most correct way to interpret a chain of attributes, say of the noun but also possible of a verb, connected together with multiple and and or conjunction, in english or in ...
user184868's user avatar
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Database of Words and their Semantic Entropies?

I'm reading up on semantic entropies and it seems as though there aren't any actual databases of words and their associated semantic entropies for any given methodology. For instance, this study has a ...
Josh Tint's user avatar
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Troponym vs hyponym vs hypernym

I came across following table in Jurafsky's book: Note that it calls noun subordinate as "hyponym" and verb subordinate as "troponym". But it names both noun superordinate and ...
Mahesha999's user avatar
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How can I identify whether it is local or global ambiguity?

I am currently learning about local and global ambiguity and we had the following example in of the texts explaining what the topic is about: Paul sent the note to Elena. Paul sent the books, a record,...
Leonard's user avatar
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Does the stem of a word carry the sense information of its inflections?

From what I understand the lexeme or lemma of a word carries the sense information of the word, and hence for an inflected form like tablets, it can have a different lemma, each one for each sense of ...
Amrith Krishna's user avatar
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How far ahead we look when parsing and understanding text

Part of trying to understand how we mentally parse and understand text requires understanding how far ahead we look, which is what this question is about. I'm wondering how we understand how to ...
Lance Pollard's user avatar
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How to extract meaning of colloquial phrases and expressions in English

I am looking into extracting the meaning of expressions used in everyday speaking. For an instance, it is apparent to a human that the sentence The meal we had at restaurant A tasted like food at my ...
Fleur's user avatar
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Interpreting different types of ambiguity in a sentence

I am a studying Natural Language Processing and came across multiple types of ambiguity like lexical, scope, global, attachment and coordination ambiguities. Lexical ambiguity: Ambiguity of a single ...
MrKickass's user avatar
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Estimate of the number of homographs in english

Am curious as to the number of homographs (sets of word meanings that share a common spelling) that occur in the English language. Also what the current state of the art would be for automatically ...
norlesh's user avatar
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Enumerating the possible Pinyin -> Hanzi transcriptions

Pinyin Chinese text contains less information than its Hanzi equivalent, so its transcription is ambiguous: to identify the correct characters for some given Pinyin requires context. For this reason ...
Aaron Brick's user avatar
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Distribution of the set of meanings of a given word, in a corpus

I am looking to know about the distribution of word senses, of a particular word in a corpus. How often a word sense will occur out of all the occurrences of that word with any meaning. For example: ...
Frames Catherine White's user avatar
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how to choose a threshold for Jiang-Conrath Similarity?

I want to compare two sets of keywords. After searching I understood that Jiang-Conrath Similarity is closer correlating with human judgement. I read this definition: Jiang-Conrath Similarity ...
Zahra Aminolroaya's user avatar
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Logic disambiguation in composed sentences with negative predicates and "or" conjunction

Today, I've attended a psychological test for the master thesis of a friend of mine. The target is children and adults. So don't scare if you see in the following lines that I speak about animals. I ...
Emiliano B.'s user avatar
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Center of a set of words

Is there any available algorithm that can take a set of words and attempt to find a word that best represents the "center of mass" of all those words? This would be easy if we can define a distance ...
Gupta's user avatar
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What is the difference in word pairs like "scary" and "scared" [closed]

Take the word pairs "scary" and "scared", or "pleasing" and "pleased". The former adjectives give the impression of inspiring the particular emotion, and the latter adjectives are the emotion itself. ...
Lou's user avatar
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What makes a sentence difficult to understand?

When I learned Swedish I noticed I went through two phases of learning with regard to understanding the language. First I had to learn the meaning of common words. For example, "mening" means both "...
Baz's user avatar
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Word Sense Disambiguation for common groups of words

Let's say the dictionary has two definitions for live: Live: I live by the sea. Live: The match was shown live on the sports channel. and also contains the following definition: Live ...
Baz's user avatar
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How is the differing reuse of words depending on language called in Linguistics?

My question is a little bit tricky (for me) to put in a title. I will try to describe: There are different types of writing systems, such as logographic, true alphabets and segmental scripts. Not ...
grunwald2.0's user avatar
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How can we perform WSD using semantic relatedness measures?

I am focusing on knowledge based on Word-sense disambiguation (WSD). I have come across algorithms like Lesk, extended Lesk, etc., which perform WSD based on gloss definitions of senses of each word ...
variable's user avatar
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