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Sir Cornflakes's user avatar
Sir Cornflakes
  • Member for 9 years, 7 months
  • Last seen this week
  • Earth, Solar System, Milky Way, Virgo Cluster
59 votes

Why is “ß” not used in Swiss German?

50 votes

Is there a technical name for when languages use masculine pronouns to refer to both men and women?

46 votes

Why is the word "war" in Romance languages predominantly of Germanic origin instead of Latin?

44 votes

Why isn’t the letter “G” immediately after “C” in the alphabet?

42 votes

Are Hungarian and Turkish related?

41 votes

Are there any scripts which have more than 127 characters?

40 votes

Is the Indo-European language family made up?

38 votes

Is there a word in a dead or lost language that we lost the definition to?

36 votes

Is the "p" in "spin" really a "b"?

30 votes

Does an affinity between languages necessitate that the speakers be ethnically related?

29 votes

Why are Latin and Sanskrit called dead languages?

25 votes

Languages which changed their writing direction

22 votes

Should orthographies represent phonemes or phones?

21 votes

Why do Arabic names still have their meanings?

19 votes

At what point does a language become its descendant?

19 votes

Do all languages distinguish between persons and non-persons?

19 votes

How similar are Ukrainian and Russian?

16 votes

Can one sentence have two or multiple possible phrase structure grammars? And what is this called?

16 votes

Do two deaf persons from different countries understand each other?

15 votes

Pronunciation of P in Latin, versus Ph in Greek

15 votes

Are there any existing (indigenous) European languages with aspirated/unaspirated versions of consonants which are different phonemes?

14 votes

Is IPA machine-readable?

13 votes

What are some interesting features that are common cross-linguistically but don't exist in English?

13 votes

Why doesn’t a language modernization initiative adopt pure phonetic spelling?

12 votes

Do any languages use words like particles to represent commas, periods, hyphens, quotes, parentheses, etc.?

12 votes

Development of Old Norse 2nd and 3rd person sg. (present indicative) forms of "to be"

12 votes

How to explain differences in mutual intelligibility?

12 votes

Why do some languages lack family name markers?

12 votes

Have linguistics found any evidence that Semitic languages influenced Germanic languages or vice versa (in ancient times)?

12 votes

Is 😂 a word/letter?

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